Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Yearly Archives: 2014

recycle button

Rather than making products from scratch, recycling electronics keeps harmful toxins out of landfills, recovers valuable materials that can be reused, conserves virgin resources and results in lower emissions, including greenhouse gases which contributes to climate change.

After the hectic holiday has passed, gardeners will begin sorting through their big piles of seed catalogs to choose spring seed.
fast food

Over half of the students ate fast food one to three times per week, and more than three-quarters of the students had fast food at least once a week.
beef cattle grazing

The BEEFlexible app has been downloaded more than 4,000 times and has had more than 89,700 screen views since analytics tracking was inputted earlier this year.
rolling pin in flour

Making cookies, cakes and pies isn’t so stressful when you have some tricks up your sleeve.

Program trains students for two-year degrees in marketable fields.

MILLERSBURG, Ohio — The West Holmes FFA Chapter sent the senior parliamentary procedure team to the sub district parliamentary procedure contest at Indian Valley...

MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — The Ridge Runners 4-H club assembled approximately 80 fruit baskets to give to the elderly at its monthly meeting Dec. 13. The...

Our hands at the FSA offices have been punching computer keyboards, updating your planting history and inputting your yield production history.

“You get what you pay for” is a saying that often assumes limitations.