14 organizations to partner with NASDA Foundation

Riparian zone near a stream

WASHINGTON — The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Foundation announced 14 sub-awardees of the NASDA Foundation Sept. 7, part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Historically Underserved Farmers Cooperative Agreement.

Pasa Sustainable Agriculture and the West Virginia Conservation Agency were the two local groups selected to help underserved farmers steward natural resources and improve water quality and habitats to benefit the Gulf of Mexico Watershed ecosystems.

The applications were reviewed by a technical advisory team made up of soil and water conservation experts nominated by commissioners, secretaries and directors of agriculture from the EPA’s Ohio-Tennessee regions. Applications for sub-awards were open to all organizations in the EPA’s Ohio-Tennessee Region, which consists of Kentucky, Tennessee and parts of Indiana, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.

The purpose of the cooperative agreement is to assist underserved farmers, protect and improve water quality and natural habitats and provide benefits for climate mitigation and adaptation.