2019 Columbiana County Fair sale totals $741,172.35

2019 Columbiana County Fair Grand Champion Steer
Caleb Hill sold his grand champion steer to Sarchione Chevy for $6/pound.

(Scroll down for a slide show of this year’s grand and reserve champion exhibitors.)

(Submitted information and photos)

Aug. 1 and 3, 2019
Sale Total: $741,172.35
Total Lots: 523


Number of Market Lots: 61
Average: $3.22 with champions; $3.16 without

Grand champion and County Born & Raised: Caleb Hill
Bid: $6/poundWeight: 1,343 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Chevy

Reserve champion: Mitchell Sharp
Bid: $4.25/poundWeight: 1,306 pounds
Buyer: Eichler Propane

Grand champion carcass, grand outstanding youth project, senior skillathon, senior showmanship and showman of showmen: Megan Drake
Bid: $4.25/poundWeight: 1,325 pounds
Buyer: MAC Trailer Manufacturing Inc.

Reserve grand champion carcass and intermediate skillathon: Alexis Timmons
Bid: $6/poundWeight: 1,265 pounds
Buyer: MAC Trailer Manufacturing Inc.

Reserve grand outstanding youth project and bantam skillathon: Izzy Blazer

Bantam showmanship: Bailey Garwood
Junior showmanship: Kamryn Kiko
Intermediate showmanship: Chance Cope

Junior skillathon: Morgan Hively


Number of Market Lots: 36
Average: $1,172.22 with champions; $1,133.82 without

Grand champion cheese cow and total pounds champion cheese cow: Alex Campbell
Bid: $2,250
Buyer: Cope Farm Equipment

Volume champion cheese cow: Bailey Campbell
Bid: $1,400
Buyer: The Tractor Depot

Highest yield champion cheese cow: Colby Cooper
Bid: $800
Buyer: Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt


Number of Market Lots: 106
Average: $2.49 with champions; $2.43 without

Grand champion and intermediate showmanship: Jacob Readshaw
Bid: $7/poundWeight: 614 pounds
Buyer: Katelyn Dickey for Judge

Reserve champion, senior showmanship and showman of showmen: Kelly Ginnetti
Bid: $5/poundWeight: 616 pounds
Buyer: MAC Trailer Manufacturing Inc.

Bantam showmanship: Brennen Wallace
Junior showmanship: Addyson Blazer


Number of Market Lots: 165
Average: $5.30 with champions; $5.08 without

Grand champion and senior skillathon: Haley Jones
Bid: $14/poundWeight: 286 pounds
Buyer: Eichler Propane

Reserve champion: Carli Binckley
Bid: $22.50/poundWeight: 282 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Chevy

Grand champion carcass: Stephanie Novak
Bid: $8/poundWeight: 234 pounds
Buyer: Columbiana-Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge

Reserve grand champion carcass: Rilee Hoppel
Bid: $12/poundWeight: 227 pounds
Buyer: West Point Paving

Bantam showmanship: Byrnn Medure
Junior showmanship: Jacob Kibler
Intermediate showmanship: Tucker Kiko
Senior showmanship, showman of showmen and grand outstanding youth project: Alissa Baer

Bantam skillathon: Zach Blake
Junior skillathon: Allison Irwin
Intermediate skillathon and reserve grand outstanding youth project: Addyson Jones


Number of Market Lots: 18
Average: $4.89 with champions; $4.63 without

Grand champion: Adriana Cooper
Bid: $6/poundWeight: 99 pounds
Buyer: Swickard Farm Ltd

Reserve champion: Alexis Jones
Bid: $8/poundWeight: 90 pounds
Buyer: Rogers Mill Inc. and Feo Farm Kennels

Bantam showmanship: Gavin Everhart
Junior showmanship: Rachel Weaver
Intermediate showmanship, intermediate skillathon and reserve outstanding youth project: Roseiline Fluharty
Senior showmanship, showman of showmen, senior skillathon and grand outstanding youth project: Hannah Hephner

Bantam skillathon: Gracie Lee
Junior skillathon: Kaitlyn Black

Rate of Gain: Kelly See


Number of Pens of Three: 5
Average: $223 with champions, $46.67 without

Grand champion market pen: Rebekka Hall
Bid: $ 275/head
Buyer: Feo Farms Kennels

Reserve champion market pen and junior skillathon: Aaliyah Moore
Bid: $700/head
Buyer: Daggy Construction

Number of Market Lots: 4
Average: $606.25 with champions; $1,050 without

Grand champion market fryers: Rebekka Hall
Bid: $200
Buyer: Justin and Amanda Medure

Reserve champion market fryers and junior showmanship: Alexis Jones
Bid: $125
Buyer: Rogers Mill Inc.

Bantam showmanship: Abigail Jackson
Intermediate showmanship and showman of showmen: Emre Gott
Senior showmanship and senior skillathon: Maya Moore

Bantam skillathon: Brooke Neville
Intermediate skillathon: Julie Kallas


Number of Pens of Three: 38
Average: $175.66 with champions, $161.11 without

Grand champion: Mathew Hoopes
Bid: $500/head
Buyer: Sarchione Chevy, Line X and Phantom Auto

Reserve champion: Rachel Rhodes
Bid: $375/pound
Buyer: Katelyn Dickey for Judge

Bantam showmanship: Hadley Johnston
Junior showmanship and junior skillathon: Rebecca Geiss
Intermediate showmanship and showman of showmen: Emre Gott
Senior showmanship and senior skillathon: Calee Lukowski

Bantam skillathon: Megan Short
Intermediate skillathon: Kate Slutz


Number of Market Lots: 36
Average: $356.53 with champions, $312.79 without

Grand champion: Garrett Mayerchak
Bid: $1,500Weight: 37.60 pounds
Buyer: Paris/Washington Insurance

Reserve champion, bantam skillathon and reserve grand outstanding youth project: Trenton Wolfgang
Bid: $700Weight: 29.60 pounds
Buyer: Rogers Mill Inc. and Feo Farms Kennels

Grand outstanding youth project, senior skillathon, senior showmanship and showman of showmen: Rowen Brinker
Bantam showmanship: Kade Sprouse
Junior showmanship: Lindsey Neville
Intermediate showmanship: Caitlin Marshall

Junior skillathon: Atlee Brinker
Intermediate skillathon: Jennie Brinker


Number of Market Lots: 11
Average: $225 with champions; $202.78 without

Grand champion goat milk fudge basket: Marissa Stewart
Bid: $400
Buyer: Rogers Community Auction

Reserve grand champion goat milk fudge basket and senior showmanship: Amanda French
Bid: $250
Buyer: John’s Outdoor Power

Bantam showmanship, bantam skillathon and reserve outstanding youth project: Aidan Frye
Junior showmanship: Hayden Patrone
Intermediate showmanship, showman of showmen and grand outstanding youth project: Roseiline Fluharty

Junior skillathon: Macey Miller
Intermediate skillathon: Marissa Stewart and Roseiline Fluharty
Senior skillathon: Kiersten Cusick


Number of Market Lots: 34
Average: $4.14 with champions; $4.02 without

Grand champion and junior showmanship: Alaina Grubb
Bid: $7/poundWeight: 137 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Meats Inc.

Reserve champion and intermediate showmanship: Bridget Hillard
Bid: $5/poundWeight: 133 pounds
Buyer: Rogers Mill Inc.

Grand champion carcass: Dakota McCracken
Bid: $3.25/poundWeight: 102 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Meats Inc.

Reserve grand champion carcass: Isabella Pirogowicz
Bid: $16/poundWeight: 99 pounds
Buyer: Michael and Lydia Battaglia

Bantam showmanship: Lincoln Wallace
Senior showmanship, showman of showmen and grand outstanding youth project: Margaret McNicol

Bantam skillathon: Jessi McMullen
Junior skillathon: Kiersten Burton
Intermediate skillathon: Sarah Baer
Senior skillathon: Alissa Baer

Rate of Gain: Alaina Souders

Reserve grand outstanding youth project: Kiersten Burton

AUCTIONEERS AND RINGMEN: Baer Auctioneers and Kiko Auctioneers
FAIR QUEEN: Macie Schrecengost
FAIR KING: Tyler Hephner

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