A roundup of 4-H news for the week of June 17, 2010


COLUMBUS — Kayla Hinds, an 11-year member of the Kids & Critters and Thunder Valley Pioneers 4-H clubs, was one of 59 4-H’ers were recognized for outstanding accomplishments June 2 at the 2010 state Achievement Awards and Scholarship banquet.
Hinds is the daughter of Kevin and Gladys Hinds of Newcomerstown. She received a $3,000 Paul A. and Ethel I. Smith Scholarship.
In addition to club activities, she has been an active participant in the Tuscarawas County 4-H Older Youth program, a camp counselor, a junior fair board member, and competed as part of the livestock judging team.
She has successfully exhibited at both the county and state fair. Hinds plans to pursue a degree in agricultural engineering at The Ohio State University.
At the banquet, over $63,000 in college scholarships was presented to 33 youth. More than 455 4-H members competed to receive these scholarships based on their leadership, community service, academic standing, and 4-H involvement and achievements.
An additional 26 youth received special awards and trip opportunities.
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NORTH BENTON, Ohio — Thirty-five members and 12 Cloverbuds of the Village Varieties 4-H club met June 8 at North Benton Presbyterian Church.
President Jonathon Wilson discussed applications 4-H camp and the bake sale coming up in August. Members also discussed a public service project and agreed to paint the picnic tables for the Beloit Ruritan Club.
Health reports were given by Ryan Altomare and Krista Burcaw. Billy Grammer and Jonathon Wilson each presented a safety report. Demonstrations were given by Kirsten Plocher on how to properly use a halter on a cow and Megan Wyss who talked about sewing equipment and projects that members could make.
Members broke up into their seven species groups to discuss their fair projects.
The next meeting is on June 29 at 7 p.m. at North Benton Presbyterian Church. All small projects must be finished and brought to this meeting.
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DAMASCUS, OHIO — On June 12, the Circle 62 4-H club held a meeting.
The health report was given by Max Sharp on tanaholics, and the safety report was given by Joey Hollback on exercise safety tips.
Members who gave project talks were: Max Sharp, preventing animal disease; Mitchell Sharp, identifying a lamb; Alex Cope, showing a steer; Neil Ginnetti, the hog industry; Anthony Ginnetti, tractor safety; Emilee Sanor, types of hog feed; Sara Fraser, dairy cow characteristics; Aubrey Huff, pasteurization and homogenization; and Ryan Ivan talked about and gave a demonstration on cows’ panoramic vision.
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BERLIN CENTER, Ohio — Presley Cummings, Sara Cummings and Krista Hornberger were congratulated on their recent high school graduation when Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club met for their June meeting.
Julia Miglets was congratulated for her recent participation in the National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C.
Sewing workshops will begin the week of June 13 and continue through July 19 at the home of Jan and Kathleen Moser.
Katherine Pitcairn announced the following summer 4-H judging dates: public speaking, June 26 at the Canfield Extension Center, food and nutrition judging, July 12 at the Canfield Presbyterian Church, small project judging, July 14 at the Canfield Fairgrounds, and clothing judging and style revue, July 21 at the Canfield Presbyterian Church.
Janet and Amanda Majirsky reminded the livestock members about the upcoming county livestock clubs meeting dates.
Western Reserve Rangers will meet again at 7 p.m. July 8.
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DOVER, Ohio — The Buckhorn Buckshots 4-H Club met at the Sharon Moravian Church near Tuscarawas May 23.
President Dalton Sprowl called the meeting to order.
In old business, Scapbooking project books are still on back order. The Relay for Life quilt will be completed in time for Dover’s Relay of Life Event. The club voted to sell raffle ticket until July 3. Raffle tickets will be $1 for one or 6 for $5. All proceeds from the quilt will be donated to Relay for Life.
A drawing for the quilt will be held before the fireworks at Gnadenhutten July 4. The club will sell glow necklaces for the fireworks as a fundrasier.
Member who have not paid their $5 dues were reminded they are due.
The Clover Buds members were led by JP Skeen and made crafts for veterans for Memorial Day. Joe Krocker was a guest speaker for Shelby and Maddy Schupp 4-H projects. Krocker spoke about Biking as a sport, safety rules and equipment that he uses while biking. The next 4-H meeting will be held at 6 p.m. June 13.
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VERMILION, Ohio –Brownhelm Perfection members met June 7. Plans for the 4-H Cedar Point Day June 25 were discussed as well as the Lake Erie Crushers game June 17.
Fair entry forms due at the next meeting. A rabbit clinic was announced for June 14.
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NORTH BENTON, Ohio — The Mahoning County Goat Herders 4-H club met at O’Brock’s May 24.
Under old business, some members shared about the market goat tagging they had attended. Melissa Moliterno encouraged members to attend Whitewood Camp.
Sharen O’Brock demonstrated how to make goat’s milk fudge. The members were able to participate in this activity and sampled the results at the end.
The next meeting at the O’Brock’s will be at 7 p.m. July 13 and members are reminded to bring their goats.

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