A roundup of 4-H news for the week of May 13, 2010


NORTH BENTON, Ohio — The Village Varieties 4-H Club met at the North Benton Presbyterian Church May 4 where 37 members gathered. An additional 14 cloverbuds were present.
Green Team member Kim Lewis used an environmental game to teach the members to respect the environment.
Demonstrations were given by various members of the club: Lance Thompson and Wesley Miller demonstrated washing a pig and pig showmanship; Gabby Sanor and Brittney Zamarelli discussed rabbit showmanship; and Jonathon James showed how to tattoo goats.
Lance Thompson gave a health report on habits, Kirsten Plocher presented a safety report on the proper use of tools and Julia Bock gave a devotional from the Bible.
The next meeting is May 25 at North Benton Presbyterian Church. Club members should bring non-perishable food items to help stock the Deacon’s Food Pantry.
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ALLIANCE, Ohio — The Country Folks and Country Barbwires 4-H groups met April 26 at the Washington Township Fire Department.
Important dates to know, July 5 Dairy Feeder, Swine and Market Sheep tag in day. Clothing judging and style review will be held July 15th. Food and Nutrition judging will be held July 17.
Both Clubs will be marching in the Memorial Day Parade in Marlboro.
Members were reminded to be at the Fire Station on May 1 for the Washington Ruritan Township Cleanup day.
The next meeting will be May 31 prior to the Memorial Day parade. Members are to meet behind the old Shilligs Market at noon wearing 4-H t-shirts and tennis shoes.
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ORWELL, Ohio — The Mustang Wranglers 4-H horse club had their regular monthly meeting May,8 at Saddles Etc. & Gift Shop, 8220 Rt. 45 in Orwell.
The group is planning a contesting horse show June,19. The show will be located at Circle M Ranch on 7741 Gane Rd in Williamsfield, Ohio.
For information on the horse show:440-319-2009 or email cirlclems5@hughes.net The purse for the contesting show is at $300 and growing daily.
The group is still looking for area businesses who are willing to sponsor the horse show, contact Claudia Doyle at 440-437-8353.
The next meeting will be held at Circle M Ranch June 18 where plans for the horse show will be finalized.

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