Ashland FFA holds awards banquet


ASHLAND, Ohio – Ben Carpenter and Christy Lahmers were recognized as state degree winners at this year’s Ashland FFA awards program.

Star award winners were Josh Hiller and Billy Christian, Greenhand; Michele Lahmers, sophomore; Christy Lahmers, junior; Ben Carpenter, chapter winner. Christina Hiller received the Dekalb award.

The 2001-2002 chapter officers were then installed with the official ceremony. Officers are Christy Lahmers, returning president; Andy McDaniel, returning vice president; Ashley Wynn, secretary; Jessica Kirkpatrick, treasurer; Michele Lahmers, reporter; Clint Keener, sentinel; and Jake Smith, student adviser.

Other awards.

Dave Snyder, coach of the dairy foods team, recognized Michele Lahmers, Tyler Rafeld, and Eric Stover for being the seventh-place team in the nation.

New junior fair board members are Christy Lahmers, Kari Mills, Jake Smith and Kristen Au. Christy Lahmers, Andy McDaniel, Michele Lahmers and Steph Aten were welcomed as the upcoming members of the fairboard.

The top citrus seller was Christina Hiller. Michele Lahmers, Christina Hiller, Greg Hoover and Naomi Lehman were recognized for selling 30 or more cases.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Caffro and Ben Carpenter received the lifetime alumni membership.

Honorary degrees were given to Sandy Caffro, Doug Kirkpatrick and Dan Hiller.