B100, 100 percent biodiesel, to fuel pulling tractors


ST. LOUIS — A partnership between U.S. soybean farmers and the National Tractor Pullers Association (NTPA) reached another milestone when the NTPA began allowing the use of 100 percent biodiesel, in all diesel pulling classes for this season.

This is the seventh season the soy checkoff has partnered with the NTPA to promote the use of biodiesel to pulling fans, including many farmers, truck drivers and other diesel users.

Increase in horsepower

A study funded by the state soy checkoff board in Minnesota and conducted by United Pullers of Minnesota, found using biodiesel in pulling competition can provide a 4 percent increase in torque and horsepower.

“Performance results like these are an added bonus to the environmental and economic benefits of using biodiesel,” said Larry Marek, soy checkoff farmer-leader and a soybean farmer from Riverside, Iowa.
“If NTPA pullers can get these kinds of results on the track, we can certainly get great results using B100 on the farm.”

Biodiesel blends

Also returning to the track this season will be the “Powered by Biodiesel,” Light Pro Stock class, in which all competitors are required to use biodiesel blends.

“B100 performs well, and is dependable even in the most excruciating tests,” said Gregg Randall, NTPA office general manager. “Pullers will definitely want to take advantage of the fuel this pulling season.”

Check out the 2013 NTPA competition schedule and find out where tractor pullers will be using B100 near you.