Beaver Creek offers weekend programs throughout August

Milkweed Mud Pies program
Haley Weinmann, 5, chose from among three kinds of native milkweed seeds, then squished them into a mixture of local clay and potting soil. Assisted by volunteer Cheryl Mattevi, Haley was one of 30 youngsters who participated in the Milkweed Mud Pies program at the Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Center. She planned to take the mud pies home and plant them in order to help monarch butterflies. (Kathy Cattrell photo)

EAST LIVERPOOL, Ohio — The Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Center will be offering a variety of opportunities on weekends in August to get out and learn about nature.

Aug. 12 and 13

Chip Hudson will give a wood carving demonstration from 1-5 p.m. Saturday, showing how to create different items from various types of wood.

Also on Saturday, humans will be able to learn about the predator-prey relationship between musk ox and wolves by doing “musk Ox maneuvers” from 2-3 p.m. The program is suitable for kids ages 8-14, but family members can join in. The activity requires a minimum of 15-20 people, and an alternative activity will be held if the minimum is not reached. Registration is required by sending contact information to

“Stream Stomp” will be conducted from 12-1:30 p.m. on Sunday. Participants will meet Matthew Smith and Ryan Moss from the Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves in the parking lot of Beaver Creek State Park. The two will then lead an expedition to find critters in Beaver Creek, identifying what is found and talking about how water quality affects these organisms. Participants must wear boots or close-toed shoes and be prepared to get wet. The stomp will be canceled in the event of rainstorms or high water.

Aug. 19 and 20

“Nature Craft: Building Insects” will be Saturday from 1-4:40 p.m. Volunteers will help kids and accompanying adults create a unique insect from materials they will provide.

Beaver Creek naturalist Evan Crawford will talk about the diverse dragonfly and damselfly populations in Beaver Creek State Park from 12-1 p.m. Sunday. Following the presentation, visitors will tour the Wildlife Center to see the insect displays.

Also on Sunday, there will be a scavenger hunt on Logan’s loop trail from 1-4 p.m. Kids and accompanying adults will hike the loop trail, trying to find the animals on the scavenger hunt list. The list, pencils and clipboards will be available in the pavilion. Since there are some steep areas on the 6-mile trail, participants should wear sturdy shoes. The hike will be canceled in case of bad weather.

Aug. 26 and 27

Younger kids and accompanying adults can create a seashell picture from 1-4:30 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers will provide instruction and all the materials needed.

“Story Time in the Library” will be Sunday at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Volunteer Mary Spooner will read “Living Sunlight” by Molly Bangs and Penny Chisholm. Spooner will then help participants find the animals mentioned in the book among the many displays at the center.

The Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Center is located at 12884 Echo Dell Road, next to Beaver Creek State Park. For more information, visit