Tag: education
Homeschooled children follow directions literally
Eirc Keller's crew tries their hand at cooking something special for Christmas as part of their homeschool curriculum.
Public education is what you make it
A Farm and Dairy reader responds to Eric Keller's letter to the editor regarding public education.
Reader: Public school system failing to impart knowledge
A Farm and Dairy reader weighs in on public school systems.
May the new school year spark a lifelong interest in learning
Judith Sutherland wishes for a lifelong interest in learning for all the children about to go back to school.
Lessons from a one-room schoolhouse
Judith Sutherland considers how education has changed over time.
Don’t wait
Bryce Angell shares the course of his journey to obtain a nursing degree, and encourages high school graduates not to wait to pursue a college education.
Educator workshop will explore wetlands
Educators are invited to the Geauga and Portage Soil and Water Conservation Districts’ Wonders of Watersheds workshop from June 24-26.
Mr. Garrett’s grasshopper
Bryce Angell recalls dissecting grasshoppers in Mr. Garrett’s sophomore biology class.
Watershed workshop for teachers set for June
The Geauga County and Portage County soil and water conservation districts are offering the Wonders of Watersheds workshops as teacher trainings in June.