Bill Steel of Freedom, Beaver County, was re-elected to a third term as master of the Pennsylvania State Grange.


CARLISLE, Pa. – Bill Steel of Freedom, Beaver County, was re-elected to a third term as master of the Pennsylvania State Grange.

He will lead the rural and agricultural organization for the next two years. Steel, a 47-year member of the Grange, begins his fifth year as president of the state organization in addition to serving as overseer of the National Grange in Washington, D.C.

He was formerly director of youth activities for the National Grange in Washington, D.C., where he also supervised the production and supply departments, incorporated the Farm Film Foundation into a Grange service. and became a founding director of the Arlington County Fair.

Returning to the family farm in 1985, Steel became a district representative for Aid Association for Lutherans, a fraternal benefit society, and became active again in state Grange activities.

He was elected as overseer of the state Grange in 1992, and four years later was elected before being elected as master.

Steel is an agriculture trustee for Penn State University, a member of the board of governors for the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School, and serves on several other statewide agricultural and educational boards. He is also a lay worship leader in the Lutheran Church.

Also elected at this year’s state session were Betsy Huber of Chester County, overseer for a two-year term; Susan Tau, Crawford County, lecturer; Robert Steese, Mercer County, steward; Brian Ebersole, Perry County, assistant steward; Mary Ann Buckley, Huntingdon County, lady assistant steward; Jean Hollabaugh, Warren County, chaplain; Anna May Nauss, York County, treasurer; Sandy Witmer, Lancaster County, secretary; Robert Moore, Washington County, gatekeeper; Linda Strong, Indiana County, Ceres; Debra Campbell, Perry County, Pomona; Janet Fishovitz, Beaver County, Flora; Nettie Kauffman, Berks County, executive committee.