BLM extends comment period on oil and gas leasing on public lands in Ohio

Wayne National Forest

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — In response to several requests, the Bureau of Land Management is providing more time for the public to provide input on a draft supplemental environmental assessment evaluating possible impacts from potential oil and gas leasing within the Wayne National Forest in southeastern Ohio. The bureau will accept comments until May 17.

This evaluation builds on an environmental assessment of potential leasing impacts completed in 2016. In 2020, a federal district court found the 2016 analysis needed to further consider the specific impacts of using hydraulic fracturing techniques on federally protected species, water resources, air quality and surface resources.

The environmental review analyzes impacts from potential oil and gas leasing on approximately 40,000 acres beneath National Forest System lands on Monroe, Noble and Washington counties. The subsurface parcels have either been leased for oil and gas development or have the potential for future leasing and development.

There are more than 340 public comments left on the assessment. To view the draft supplemental environmental assessment, supporting documents and resources, including recordings of virtual information sessions held April 8 and 9 and learn how to provide comments, visit the BLM National NEPA Register at