Clark County student is 2021 Ohio fairs queen

Mozie van Raaij
Mozie van Raaij, of South Charleston, Ohio, is the 2021 Ohio Fairs' Queen. (Submitted photo)

STOW, Ohio — The Ohio Fair Managers are announcing that Mozie van Raaij, of South Charleston, Ohio, is the 2021 Ohio Fairs’ Queen.

Van Raaij represents the Clark County Fair and District 3 of the Ohio fairs. She was chosen from a field of 78 county and independent fair queens and crowned May 22, following interviews of the nine district semifinalists. The final interviews and selection were done at the Hartford Independent fairgrounds, in Croton.

Because of the pandemic, the annual convention in Columbus was canceled, and the queens program was postponed until conditions allowed safe participation.

Van Raaij is a graduate of Southeastern High School, a freshman at the Ohio State University and is involved in the Clark County Junior Fair.  Her 10 years of 4-H club work have included market hogs, dairy feeder calves, sewing, public speaking and home projects. She held several offices in her club.

She has served as vice president for her FFA chapter, and as Ohio FFA State Vice President at Large. She is the daughter of Ted and Mollie van Raaij.

Van Raaij is studying psychology and pre-med. She is a Land Grant Opportunity Scholar and a member of the Buckeyes First Scholars program, as well as a member of the American Medical Women’s Association and the BuckeyeThon General Body, a student-run philanthropy.

She will represent Ohio’s state, county and independent agricultural fairs for 2021 and will assist with the queen’s selection process during the 2022 Ohio Fair Managers Convention, in Columbus, in early 2022.