Clocks highlight Garth’s Auctions sales


Garth’s Auctions of Delaware, Ohio, held two sales within two weeks during late July and early August.

The July 25 auction of fine and contemporary art and decorative arts featured antique furniture, artwork, pottery, glass and sculpture, but it was clear that furniture stole the show.

Leading off the day as well as the illustrated catalog, an oak Rococo revival hall clock labeled for the A.B. Closson Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, set the tone for the sale from the start.

The early 20th century clock was adorned with a scrollwork pediment, fluted columns and bold paw feet.

The clock retained its original finish with only minor imperfections, so while it carried a conservative pre-auction estimate of $2,500-$3,500, it brought $8,225.

A Regency style cherry table and chairs from Baker Furniture Co. of Kohler, Wis., dating to the late 20th century attracted the interest of many bidders as well.

The Palladian style pedestal table with two 22-inch leaf extensions and Palladian side chairs and two armchairs reached an outstanding $5,640 against a pre-sale estimate of $1,000-$1,600.

A Regency style sideboard by Baker was a matching piece to the lot of table and chairs. With its crossbanded top, three drawers over three flat panel doors and bold half turned columns with brass capitals and bases, the sideboard sold for $2,468.

A pair of Fauteuil armchairs that held a pre-auction estimate of $300-$600 sold for $1,528.

The open armchairs, probably European and early 20th century, were walnut with exposed framework, carved leaf motif and needlework upholstery.

An Italian Renaissance style cassone from the 19th century was a standout due to the dentil molded lift top with carved mermaid caryatids flanking a heraldic cartouche, the iron handles on sides and the recumbent lions supports which all contributed to a sale price of $1,880.

Among the decorative arts sold during the July 25 session, a three-piece Regency Argand brass and gilt bronze lamp set, attributed to Messenger and Sons, London and retailed by J&I Cox, New York, brought $3,408.

Of the two sculptures offered by Harriet Whitney Frishmuth (New York, 1880-1980), a bronze titled Desha, which was signed, dated “1927 C,” and marked by the Gorham Foundry, went to a new home for a wining bid of $5,405.

The other Frishmuth bronze sold for $4,994.

Two bronze, standing floor lamp bases, each marked for “Tiffany Studios, New York” and each with three lily pad feet and a gold dore finish fell within estimate at $1,293 and $1,469.

The assortment of Asian material was eye-catching and a cloisonne Buddha constructed of hollow cast bronze figure wearing a cloisonne robe with white chrysanthemums on blue was a highlight.

Estimated at $2,250-$2,750, the figure sold just above the high value at $2,938.

A pair of Chinese carved ivory figures were equally impressive and depicted an emperor with sword and an empress with a basket of flowers and phoenix.

Dating to the late 19th century, they measured 32 inches and 30 inches high respectively and more than doubled the estimate selling for $4,230.

A pair of Chinese export porcelain jardinieres from the late 18th to early 19th century were decorated with armorial shields, floral motifs and applied mask handles, all with gilt accents adding to a final price of $2,468.

A single Chinese export dish from the 18th century was decorated with a landscape scene of a European woman looking into a mirror. With a faint orange peel glaze, the 10 1/4-inch long serving piece sold for $1,293.

Other notable lots included a seven-piece Mexican silver tea and coffee service, mid-20th century, which weighed approximately 249 ounces selling for $3,173.

Of the fine art, an oil on canvas depicting a room of 18th century Italian nobles reading was by 20th century Italian artist L. Cavalieri. Enhanced by the elaborate carved, gilt frame, the work sold for $4,935.

On Aug. 7, prices proved to be just as strong. Garth’s offered a selection of Victorian and country furniture, a collection of early lighting, numerous lots of sterling and silver plate, art pottery/glass and a wide range of porcelain during its eclectic sale in the gallery.

As in the July cataloged sale, a clock proved to be one of the day’s highlights with a wall clock estimated at $300-$500 reaching a solid price of $1,050.

The eight day time and strike clock with a wooden mouse running vertically to indicate the time is referred to as a “Hickory Dickory Dock” clock and the classic verse was printed near the bottom of the 41-inch tall time piece.

There was something for everyone at the eclectic sale and two large oil on canvas landscapes by Emerson Burkhart (Ohio, 1905-1969) proved that buyers were on alert.

The first depicted a fisherman on the rocks by a seashore and measured 23 inches high by 46 inches wide. It sold within estimate for $1,351, while the second landscape made $1,058.

A brass astral oil lamp with a dark bronze patina and a frosted, cut shade surprised some selling for $1,000 versus an estimate of $100-$200, while a lot of three Wedgwood creamware warming devices made $1,100.

Grouping of silver shone brightly selling for an array of values including miscellaneous groupings of flatware for $1,058 and $1,939.

– Auctioneer Nick Cummings of Schrader Real Estate and Auction Co. Inc., Columbia City, Ind., held an auction Aug. 20 in Washington Court House, Ohio, with 403 registered bidders.

The highest selling item was a 24-row 7200 Progressive strip till bar that sold for $26,750.

Other top-selling items included a Turbo Till 2200 for $21,250; a John Deere 4840 tractor for $18,000; a Case IH 1660 combine for $17,500; a John Deere 4240 tractor (solenoid out) for $13,100 and a DMI 7 shank subsoiler for $10,000.

Cummings also held an auction Aug. 21 in South Solon, Ohio, with 185 registered bidders.

The top-selling item was a John Deere 4440 tractor for $25,750.

Other top sellers included a Black Machine split row planter for $17,000; a John Deere 4020 tractor with fender brackets for $14,000 and a John Deere 7720 combine and bean screen for $10,000.

Ned F. Gregg Realty Inc. of Sycamore, Ohio, held the Creeger auction in Carey, Ohio, Aug. 21-22 with approximately 500 registered bidders from 10 states and two countries.

The top-selling item was a 1932 Chevrolet Roadster that sold for $43,000.

Other highlights included a John Deere 1936 Model B1 (industrial) for $22,000; a 1925 John Deere Model D with spoke wheels for $13,250; a John Deere 720 for $7,000; a John Deere 318 mower, new in box, with deck for $5,000; assorted John Deere manuals sold from $50-$600 and peddle tractors sold for $500 each.

Household items sold included a Elsie and Elmer Borden salt and pepper set for $170 and Hummels for $65.

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