EPA approves corn trait stack with two modes for insect control


MINNETONKA, Minn. — Syngenta in North America recently announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted registration approval for the Agrisure Viptera 3220 trait stack, which offers corn growers dual modes of action against above-ground insect pests.

The Agrisure Viptera 3220 trait stack includes the Agrisure Viptera trait, a completely new mode of action in corn as the first Vip3A insect control protein. In 2010 Syngenta trials, triple stack hybrids with the Agrisure Viptera trait outyielded competitive triple stack hybrids by more than 9 bu/A on average.

In addition, the Agrisure Viptera 3220 trait stack contains Agrisure CB/LL trait, which has been helping to protect corn from European corn borer for more than 10 years while offering glufosinate tolerance, the Herculex I trait for corn borer protection and the Agrisure GT trait for glyphosate tolerance.


The Agrisure Viptera 3220 trait stack is designed for geographies where corn rootworm management is not a primary issue. Syngenta anticipates hybrids with the Agrisure Viptera 3220 trait stack to be available for planting in the 2012 growing season pending receipt of all remaining regulatory approvals for cultivation and import markets.

Syngenta also has submitted a five percent blended refuge-in-a-bag version of the Agrisure Viptera 3220 trait stack for EPA approval. This product concept is anticipated to be marketed under the name Agrisure E-Z Refuge.

The Agrisure Viptera 3111 trait stack currently is available for planting in hybrids from the Syngenta seed brands of Garst, Golden Harvest and NK and is also being made available through licensing agreements with more than 150 local and independently owned seed companies.

The Agrisure Viptera trait is approved for cultivation in the U.S., Canada and Brazil, and is approved for import into Australia, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.