CARROLLTON, Ohio – Two nationally-known farmers who specialize in producing and marketing wholesome foods to American families will explain how more farm families can add value to the farm products at the ninth annual Country Living Field Day.
The field day will be Sept. 28, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Carroll County, Ohio.
Bob Evans, founder of Bob Evans Farms and Restaurants, and Joel Salatin, farmer, author, and pastured poultry pioneer from Virginia, will keynote the day-long field day.
The field day is designed to help farm families learn more about alternative farm products, alternative marketing strategies and alternative production systems.
Many opportunities. “Whether you are considering joining a marketing alliance to produce branded beef, considering transitioning some corn or soybean acreage into an organic production system, or thinking about adding a new enterprise such as shiitake mushrooms, grapes, fresh-water shrimp, pasture-raised poultry, berries or hydroponic tomatoes, you’ll be able to learn about it at the Country Living Field Day,” said Mike Hogan, the county’s extension agent.
The field day will feature demonstrations, short seminars, displays, farm tours and commercial exhibits on hundreds of topics throughout the day.
In-depth course. Additionally, six in-depth workshops, running 90 minutes each, will be held during the field day. They include:
* grape production, 10 a.m.
* managed grazing, 11 a.m.
* getting started in farming, 11:30 a.m.
* managing your woodlot, 2 p.m.
* growing and using herbs, 2 p.m.
* pasture-raised poultry, 2:30 p.m.
Shorter introductory workshops, running 30 minutes each, will include topics on alternative agricultural topics, including growing berries, establishing an orchard, producing yellow perch, producing fresh water shrimp, raising llamas and alpacas, cultivating ginseng and other forest products, farming the Internet and dozens more.
In addition there will be cattle, sheep, hogs, horses, turkeys, ducks and chickens on display.
More events. There will be educational, interactive children’s activities, and the first 900 children to complete the Safety Roundup program will receive a free T-shirt.
There will be demonstrations of horse-drawn farm equipment. In addition, there will be wool spinning, weaving and quilting, as well as information about food safety, home canning and freezing fruits and vegetables.
The field day will feature farm, home and family health and safety exhibits for children and adults. There will be a mock farm accident rescue demonstration complete with helicopter evacuation.
The Carroll county Antique Collectors Club and Stark County Antique Power Association will display antique equipment.
Admission and programs are free.
For more information, program flyer and map, call 330-627-4310 or visit