COLUMBUS – Ohio, along with 20 other states, will share in approximately $8 million allocated for the Emergency Conservation Program, according to the Farm Service Agency’s State Executive Director Larry Adams.
Agricultural producers who realized losses that occurred due to severe weather events during 2003 will now receive some financial assistance through the USDA’s Farm Service Agency.
Auglaize, Mercer, Columbiana, and Mahoning counties have applications already on file at their USDA office, for damages that occurred in 2003.
What’s covered. This financial assistance will partially compensate farmers to remove debris from farmland, restore fences and conservation structures, provide water for livestock, and reshape farmland damaged by natural disaster conditions.
Eligible producers who have applied for emergency assistance will receive cost-share assistance of up to 75 percent for practices approved by the county committee.
USDA offers additional programs to help farmers and ranchers recover from damages caused by natural disasters. These programs include the emergency loan program, crop disaster program, and noninsured crop disaster assistance program.
More information is available at your local USDA office or online at:
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