A roundup of 4-H news for the week of August 6, 2009


MINERVA, Ohio — The M-Town Clovers 4-H club met July 19 at the fairgrounds with 13 members in attendance.

The club will participate again this year in the Carroll County Back to School Extravaganza by filling two backpacks, one for a girl and one for a boy.

Honor member, honor club forms and secretary and treasurer books are due Aug. 31.

Members set up the fair booth and livestock exhibitors prepared animals and pens for fair week.

At the next meeting, members will complete all health or safety talks and demonstrations and go over honor forms.

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WELLINGTON, Ohio — The Penfield Partners 4-H club met July 29.

A thank you note was read from Ohio State for money the club sent to the endowment board. Members decided to do a trophy for the club sponsor for the fair.

The club worked on decorations for the home economic booth.

The next meeting will be Aug. 19 when members will finish working on decorations for the booth and a pool party will be held.

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NORTH JACKSON, Ohio — The Jackson Milton Livestock Club met June 28.

Members met at a member’s home to set up a float for the fourth of July parade.

The club also held a picnic July 14. There was a short meeting, and played games. The next meeting will be at 4 p.m. Aug. 2 at the Horvath Farm.

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