A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Jan. 28, 2010


MECHANICSTOWN, Ohio — The Freedom Riders 4-H club met Jan. 11 at Adviser Tiffany Roberts’ home, with 20 in attendance.

The treasurer’s report was given, and it was reported that the Christmas wreath fundraiser brought in $600.

The club planned a community service project for March. It also made plans for attending Equine Affaire and other clinics.

The club watched horse and riding safety videos and also elected officers.

Thank-you notes and the club constitution were signed. Club member books were also handed out.

The next meeting will be Feb. 8 at Roberts’ home. The club will go over the year’s schedule, plan events and do demonstration and health or safety talks.

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AKRON — Mary Phillips led the Lucky Stars 4-H club business meeting Jan. 19 at the township hall.

The club welcomed new members Kody and Katie Turner.

Quality assurance will be at 7 p.m., small animals at 6:30 p.m. and large animals at 7:30 p.m., April 19 at Carrollton High School.

The next meeting will be Feb. 2 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the township hall.

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RICHMOND, Ohio — The Sunrise Rascals 4-H club met at Glen Mills Community Building in Richmond, with eight members present.

The club elected officers, voted on community service projects and discussed 4-H overnight officer training.

Six members will attend 4-H overnight at Millsop Bowling at Toronto Bowling Alley for Big Brothers and Big Sisters.

The next meeting will be at 1 p.m. Feb. 21 at the Toronto Bowling Alley, 1119 N. Fifth St., Toronto.

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MINERVA, Ohio — Fifteen were in attendance when M-Town Clovers 4-H club met Jan. 16 at the Buck home.

The meeting was the first of the new year. The club decided which projects each will take to the fair.

The next meeting will be Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. at Minerva Subway. Registration cards will be completed.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Breeders and Feeders 4-H club met Jan. 17 at the Burton Fire Station.

Club members discussed ordering sweatshirts and shirts. The club will help at a pancake breakfast at the Burton Fire Department for one of its service projects. The next meeting will be held Feb. 21 at the Burton Fire Department.

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AUGUSTA, Ohio — The Augusta Ranchers 4-H club met Jan. 12 at the Brown Frame Building with nine members in attendance.

Members discussed who the new officers are and what roles they are to learn. Members also discussed the bake sale that was held Jan. 2.

The club still has candy bars left over from the sale and it was decided to divide them among the members who were in attendance in order to finish selling them.

Members also talked about 4-H Week coming up in February and what project they plan to do for the window decoration and it was decided to be called “Busy as Bees in 4-H.”

The next meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 9 at the Brown Frame Building. Projects for the year will be discussed and officers will take a test on their assigned office.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Kangaroo Krew 4-H club met at the Corinth Presbyterian Church Jan. 15 with 15 members in attendance.

Members discussed 4-H Week, kick-off night and the Carroll County Quality Assurance training time and date.

Officers were elected and include: Melinda Weaver, president; Kyle Host, vice president; Wilbur Weaver, secretary; Eliza Days, treasurer; Mary Willis, news reporter; Mellicent Costarella, safety and health and Anthony Costarella, recreation.

A health talk was given by Melinda Weaver on preventing colds.

The next meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 19.

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ANDOVER, Ohio — The Prime Bovine 4-H meeting was held Jan. 24 at the Expo Center on the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds.

The meeting was called to order by Seth Thomas, the Pledge of Allegiance was said by Ashleigh Delewski and the 4-H pledge was said by Claire Dodrill. Safety Reports were given by Jacob Stitt on power outages, Dodrill on handling and working with young animals, and Kyle Thomas on what you should have in your safety kit for cattle.

Health reports were read by Silas Thomas on the flu, Seth Thomas on Food, Justin Stitt on the flu, and Felipe Pacheco on keeping animals healthy. The treasurer’s report was given by Jayne Bodnar.

The community project calf was named Mystery.

Discussions at the meeting involved The Cattle Expo held at the OSU extension on these dates from 6 p.m.- 8 p.m. Feb. 24 and April 21 and The Northern Classic Cattle Show April 10.

The next meeting will be held Feb. 28.

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BARNESVILLE, Ohio — The Barnesville Progressive Home Helpers held a meeting Jan. 16 at the Main Street United Methodist Church in Barnesville.

Roll call was answered with “name a good health tip.”

Congratulations to Kortney Temple for having the highest sales of the Rada knives

The next meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Feb. 13 at the church.

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ASHTABULA, Ohio — The Ashtabula County 4-H Committee has been awarded one of the four State Innovator Awards.

This award recognizes a group or an individual who has developed and implemented new, innovative and creative programs or activities and through their efforts has positively impacted the lives of 4-H members and the 4-H Youth Development Program. This is not the first time Ashtabula County has received this award, but is the first time for the programming that they offered.

The Ashtabula County 4-H Committee was awarded this award for three things that were implemented into the 4-H program in 2009.

The first was the Ice Cream Social, which was held in March of 2009 during Ohio 4-H week; with over 200 people were in attendance.

The second was the 4-H Carnival held in October during National 4-H week. This event brought in over 300 people to learn about our 4-H Youth Development program and all the wonderful project areas and activities which build life skills such as responsibility, budgeting, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, respect, and community skills.

The third innovative program implemented by the committee in 2009 was the Top County 4-Her award. This award was given to individuals within the 4-H program who have gone above and beyond their 4-H work. This year the committee awarded three youth; one junior youth and two senior youth.

This years recipients were: Greg Howard and Country Painter, who were the senior division winners and Amara Brickell, who was the junior recipient.

The 4-H Committee is a group of 4-H advisors and Volunteers who help plan and implement 4-H Youth Development programming within Ashtabula County.

The committee is comprised of 16 individuals: Debi Hurst, Michal Barnes, Kelly Kanicki, Sara Meredith, Wendy Gruskiewicz, David Silva, Tom Murray, Marcella Piper, Bernie Kranauer, George Arnold, Betty Beckwith, Margie Berkey, Pat Stitt, Deana Kelly, Nancy Sobie, and Desire Corron.

The 4-H Committee of Ashtabula County will be awarded the Innovator Award at the Ohio Volunteer Conference March 13 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

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The Mahoning County Goat Herders 4-H Club held their first meeting of the year Jan. 18. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Elizabeth Wyss. The new members Taylor Burns, Grayce McDaniel, and Presleigh McDaniel were introduced. The American Pledge was led by Angel Burns, and the 4-H pledge was led by Keri May.

Roll call was to answer the question “is your goat bred?” The secretary’s report and the treasurer’s report were given and accepted.

Election of officers for the new year took place this evening. The results are as follows: president – Elizabeth Wyss, vice president – Keri May, secretary – Melissa Moliterno, treasurer – Tyler Bluhm, news reporter – Krista Burcaw, devotions – Emily Theil, demonstrations – McKayla Boyd and refreshments – Angel Burns.

Other topics discussed this evening were the mandatory Quality Assurance at the West Branch High School March 6, county opportunities for 4-Hers and how to fill out a registration paper for registering dairy goats in American Dairy Goat Association.

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