A roundup of 4-H news for the week of March 7, 2013:


BURTON, Ohio — The Sew Sew Sweet 4-H club met March 3. The chapter discussed savings and checking balances and candy bars for fundraising.

New officers were elected and the club discussed changes to the constitution and bylaws.

Officer training will be April 3 at 6 p.m. The next meeting is April 10 at 2 p.m.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Miniature Menagerie is a 4-H group specializing in small animals like rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, and a few chickens. Members also are taking nonanimal projects like creative writing, sewing, or scrap booking.

Members will be holding a fundraiser candy sale starting May 16, and will also be making posters for Ohio 4-H week.

Officers elected are: Brittany Cole, president; Johanna Fillinger, vice president; Joanna Baird, secretary; Julia Baird, treasurer; Liberty Mosher and Emily Svihlik, recreation; James Baird, health and safety; Liberty Mosher with Isabella Harton, reporter.

The enrollment deadline is April 15 and new members are welcomed until then. Miniature Menagerie holds meetings every third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at Clairdon Town Hall. The next meeting will be held March 21, with the help of advisers Peggy Peters and Sue Rischar.

Contact Peggy Peters at 440-286-6626 if you would like more information.

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BURTON, Ohio — Geauga Prime Time 4-H Club met Feb. 19. The group split into species groups for 30 minutes.

Members reconvened and discussed community service projects. The group will be making Easter cards at the next meeting to take to the county home. Everyone is asked to bring supplies.

Members also learned about a new effort the Junior Fairboard will be starting this year. It is a “Jr. Jr.” Fairboard for ages 12-14.

The club members then voted on doing a fundraiser. They will be selling Little Caesar pizzas. Money and orders are due at the March 19 meeting.

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The Just Rite 4-H club met Feb. 19.

Membership dues and enrollment forms were turned in, and members discussed different committee clinics and fundraising opportunities.

A bowling party is set for March 17.

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CANFIELD, Ohio — The Mahoning County Capriculturists met Feb. 18 at the Millcreek MetroPark Farm. Twenty members were present.

Officers for 2013 were elected: president, Logan Moff; vice president, Meghan Svetlak; secretary, Shelby Hull; treasurer, Sidney McGuire; news reporters, Ashley James and Hannah Heikkinen.

Club members discussed the Quality Assurance program March 2. Members also completed enrollment forms for 2013.

Aaron Perkins was introduced as the new adviser who will be working with pygmy goat projects.

Adviser John James gave a demonstration on making cheese with goat’s milk. Club members sampled fresh cheese curds.

The next meeting will be March 18 at 7 p.m. at the Metro Park Farm.

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