A roundup of 4-H news for the week of May 2, 2013:


BURTON, Ohio — Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H Club met April 21 at Ernst Lanes.

Dates were discussed for the officer training workshop May 1. All new officers should try to attend.

Things were discussed about Quality Assurance from 10 a.m. – noon May 4 at the fairgrounds.

Pig Tagging is set for 8 a.m.-11 a.m. May 18 at the fairgrounds. Some 4-H’ers can’t make project judging July 13 so the group discussed the makeup date of 6:30 p.m. June 27, however participants must make an appointment to do this by calling the extension office. The group also went over feed tags in our 4-H project book and worked on other pages with advisor Greg Spear. Spear also gave out new assignments for next month to work on. The sales meeting is 7:30 p.m. May 9 at the school building at the fairgrounds. The next meeting is 4 p.m. May 19 at the Poffs.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Breeders and Feeders 4-H Club held a meeting at the Huntsburg Town Hall April 20.

Before conducting the business meeting the swine members practiced for Skillathon, discussed picking out a pig for fair, and pig tagging that will be completed at the fairgrounds May 18.

Poultry members presented posters on various issues associated with poultry, along with discussing feed tags. The rabbit members discussed barn decorations which Leah and Shannon are in charge of and Emma and Lauren showed the members the pen tags they created for the fair.

At the next meeting the rabbit members will be going over Skillathon.

Cloverbuds decorated cups and discussed what type of animal they wish to take to fair when they are old enough. They also discussed how to feed those animals. The business meeting was then held with Kelsey Z., president calling the meeting to order. Members were reminded that if they signed up to sell candy bars for the advisory fund raiser that they will be delivered May 7.

Also, she reminded the membership of the benefit dinner for Brad Wells that the club has volunteered to bake for will be held April 27, and that quality assurance will be held May 4 at the school exhibit building, registration is at 9:30 a.m. and the program will be from 10 a.m. to noon. Participants must arrive prior to 10 a.m. to register.

A presentation on what Camp Whitewood includes and scholarships available were discussed.

Group member Kelsey also reminded everyone of the field trip that is being sponsored by advisory committee. It is set for June 14. Members must register with the extension office in order to go.

Kelsey also told everyone about the new Geauga County 4-H photo contest to be held at fair this year. Rules and information can be found on line at the extension website. The next meeting will be held May 19 at Troy Community House.

After the business meeting, members that participate in the livestock sale sent letters to buyers letting them know of the time change to the livestock sale this year and to remind them to participate for the benefit of the youth. Beef members met after the business meeting and discussed their project books and practiced for Skillathon.

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