A roundup of 4-H news for the week of May 23, 2013:


ALLIANCE, Ohio — The Country Folks and Country Barbwires 4-H club met April 15.

The final Quality Assurance for Stark County is June 22 at the fairgrounds.

The club picked the fundraiser purchases from Mancan Candles and Joe Corbies.

The next meeting is May 27 in Marlboro, where the club will take part in the Memorial Day Parade.

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LITTLETON, W. Va. — The Wetzel County 4-H and FFA Livestock club held its monthly meeting April 30 at the Wetzel County Center for Children and Families.

The feeder calf weigh-in was set for May 25. The scales will be brought to each farm.

Jeff Greathouse moved to resend the by-law change allowing drug use in animals during the fair. It was tabled to the next meeting for more investigation.

The showmanship committee was chosen and members discussed varying options for awards.

The next meeting is set for May 28 at the Mollohan Center at 6:30 p.m.

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MOUNDSVILLE, Ohio — —The Ohio and Marshall County Dairy 4-H club met May 13 at the WVU Extension office to plan their spring and summer activities.

New business included the announcement of several important dates: Cleaning day at the fairgrounds is July 13; Livestock entry forms are due July 13; and cattle counts need to be in to Annette by July 10.

A club picnic was planned in conjunction with the Ridge Runners 4-H Club for June 25 at Wheeling Park.

Interviews for the “Calves for Kids” program will begin in October. Applications will be available at the Extension office after the beginning of the next 4-H year in Sept. The program offers a $500 voucher to a 4-H or FFA member to assist in purchasing a registered dairy heifer.

The program awarded two vouchers this year. One to senior member Ben Hazlett who purchased a Holstein and one to junior member Audrey Rine who purchased a Brown Swiss heifer.

Next year the program will be open to any 4-H or FFA member in Marshall or Ohio counties. Program requirements are listed on the application.

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MOUNDSVILLE, W. VA. — The Ridge Runners 4-H club met May 14 to discuss the dates for 4-H camps and deadlines for fair.

New business included the mailing out of camp forms, May 28 teen leader and leader meeting, dog obedience starting either May 20 or 27, fair deadlines, state camp papers available at extension office, and talks and demonstrations that are to be done before fair.

Talks and demonstrations given at the meeting included Megan Snyder with her dog, Owen Ruckman with plants his goat likes to eat, Austin Ruckman explained his goat feed, and Walker Holmes had his dairy goat.

The next meeting is slated for June 4 at Annette Clark’s barn.

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