A roundup of FFA news for the week of Sept. 10, 2009


CRESTON, Ohio — Members from Norwayne High School FFA earned several awards at the Ohio State Fair at the Expositions Center in Columbus.

Thirty-five members displayed 68 projects constructed in the Ag Shop during the 2008-09 school year.

Projects included bird houses, slag hammers, oxyacetylene panels, shop stools, lawn chairs, extension cords, wiring panels, welding panels, lock boxes and a step stool.

Each project is judged on its own merit and receives a placing of first, second or third.

Fifty-one of Norwayne FFA’s projects received a first place rating and the other 17 received second place.

Three points are earned for each first place, two points for each second place and one point for each third place. The school with the most points when the judging is completed is named FFA Shop Sweepstakes champion.

Norwayne received a plaque and rosette for winning that title.

This was the ninth consecutive title earned by the Norwayne FFA and 10th overall.

Individually, Justin Crosby received a best of show for his lawn chair, Tyler Wiles received a best of show medium wood project for his lawn chair and Lauren Hambel received a best of show small wood for her bird house.

Each winner received a plaque for their efforts. All projects will be displayed at the Wayne County Fair.

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