First peregrine falcon chicks hatch in Cleveland


COLUMBUS — The first peregrine falcon chicks of the 2009 season have hatched at the Terminal Tower nest in downtown Cleveland, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife.

More are expected

More hatchlings at other nest sites across the state are expected.

There are currently 22 pairs of territorial peregrines across the state, with four unconfirmed pairs and six single falcons at various sites around the state.

In 2008, 65 peregrine chicks fledged in Ohio from 21 successful nests.

Nest of four eggs

In Columbus, where a camera is set up to monitor falcon activity at the downtown Rhodes State Office Tower, Scout and Orville are incubating a nest of four eggs.

Falcon fans can keep abreast of the pair’s activities by checking the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife’s peregrine falcon page at

Cameras are also focused on nests in Dayton and Cleveland and can be accessed through links on the falcon page.

Cleveland webcam

The Cleveland webcam,, shows the Terminal Tower nest and Ohio’s first falcon chicks.