NEW YORK – Green Valley 4-H Club of Harrison County, Ohio, won a national award in Colgate-Palmolive’s 29th annual search for the country’s best community projects by young Americans.
The club’s project was chosen from among more than 2,000 entries nationwide and recognized with a fourth prize of $100.
The club’s activities included recycling, cleaning roadsides, creating tray favor cards for health care facilities, collecting canceled stamps for the Presbyterian Home of Maryland, Infirmary Fund, planting and maintaining flower beds and assisting at benefits or educational functions sponsored by civic groups.
Green Valley advisors are Heidi Shaw-Ripley, Barb and Dave Cunningham and Tillie Heavilin.
Members are Maggie Brindley, Danielle Cunningham, Sam Cunningham, Robbie Davia, Alex Heavilin, Brian Heavilin, Bruce Heavilin, Claire Heavilin, Stuart Heavilin, Wayne Heavilin, Kasie Held, Benjamin Fair, Jennifer Fair, Shane Ripley, Sarah Scott and Katie Vale.