Learn about log cabin living at Log Cabin Days

Hochstetler Log Homes Log Cabin Days
Submitted photo.

LOUDONVILLE, Ohio — Join in the family-friendly fun of Log Cabin Days from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sept. 15 and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 16 at Hochstetler Log Homes, 552 State Route 95, Loudonville, OH 44842. Proceeds from this event go to the American Cancer Society and Mohican Parochial School.

The two-day event includes activities for all ages. There will be demonstrations of lumberjack skills, ax throwing, wood chopping and cross-cut sawing, as well as 19th-century log home-related trades such as hand hewing, wood carving, furniture making, gun building, spinning and rug braiding and log home building.

Many activities will encourage audience participation as well as offer a lineup of excellent seminar speakers. There will be over 40 booth exhibits containing rustic home furnishings, builders, craftsmen and home material providers.

At 3 p.m. Sept. 15 there will be a Cabin & Rustic Furnishings Auction, with three prebuilt cabins, three pavilions and many hand-crafted items including, bedroom suites, coffee tables, dining tables, end tables, home decor, and an Amish-made log cabin quilt, all of which are quality consignments from local craftsman.

For those interested in building their own dream log home, the highlight will be the log home tour, where visitors are able to go through up to nine log homes. This self-guided tour is available for a $25 donation per person which supports the American Cancer Society

There will be ongoing seminars including what you need to know in order to get started in building your log home, log home design, log home financing, finding land, hints on finding that dream property and log home maintenance.Seminars are included in the $5 event entrance fee. Children 12 and under are free. There will be a petting zoo and covered wagon rides for children.

Log Cabin Days also features a variety of food, including barbeque chicken, noodles, potato salad, baked beans, a variety of pies, homemade ice cream, fry pies, fresh–squeezed apple cider, apple butter and kettle-cooked popcorn. Early Bird Breakfast is served between 7-10 a.m. on Sept. 16.

For more information call 800-368-1015.