Loghurst cabin tours are scheduled through March 22


CANFIELD, Ohio – Candlelight tours of Loghurst, the oldest log house in the Western Reserve, will begin soon.

Tours are scheduled for:

* Jan. 25, 7-9 p.m.; Dr. John White of the YSU sociology and anthropology department shares his experiences in archaeological digging around Ohio as he answers the question, “Who needs Indiana Jones?”

* Feb. 22, 7-9 p.m.; Local architect and preservationist Norma Stefanik discusses her part in the site rehabilitation project at Loghurst, as well as some local preservation issues and activities.

* March 22, 7-9 p.m.; Local historians and authors Carmen Leone and Bob Calcagni share from their popular family history, Rose Street. The book will start you on the road to recording your own family history.

Admission is $10 for all three programs if paid in advance. Tickets at the door are $5 for each program. Admission is free to YSU students with ID.

For more information, call 330-533-4330.