Mahoning SWCD to sponsor amateur photography contest


CANFIELD, Ohio – The Mahoning County Soil and Water Conservation District will celebrate its 50th anniversary in November.

Several activities have been planned to help commemorate this occasion, including an amateur photography contest for residents of Mahoning County.

Photographers are encouraged to capture the essence of soil and water on film. All matted or framed entries will be displayed at the Mahoning SWCD annual banquet in November and may be used in publications and program development materials.

All entries will be judged on originality, relationship to subject matter to the theme, special photo techniques and clarity of the photo.

Contest categories.

Categories for the contest include: People and Our Resources; The Animal Kingdom; Plant Life Growing for Us; The Natural Side of Nature; and Showing Off Mahoning County Soil and Water.

There are three divisions for each category which includes junior (ages up to and including 12); youth (13-17) and adult (18 and up).

In each age group, prizes will be awarded to the top three winners, along with three honorable mentions. A Peoples Choice award will be chosen by a popular vote of all attendees at the banquet.

All entries must be submitted to the SWCD office, 490 S. Broad St., Canfield, by 4:30 p.m. Oct. 19. Participants are asked to contact the SWCD office, 330-533-2231 to obtain a complete listing of rules for the contest.