Marcellus Shale 2010: The year the gas boom came to the region


Marcellus Shale 2010: The year the gas boom came to the region

SALEM, Ohio —Before this year, many Ohioans probably had never heard of drilling through the Marcellus Shale fro natural gas.

That was then. Now, you can hear people whispering about the prospects, good and bad of the drilling almost everywhere in the Buckeye State.

Drilling. The Marcellus Shale drilling boom had previously hit New York and Pennsylvania. Now, the drilling rigs are moving west to Ohio and most farmers and landowners have been at least approached by landsmen from drilling companies about the potential of leasing their acreage to the companies.

In parts of southeastern Ohio, the drilling rigs have moved in and the efforts are under way to produce the gas that some say will revive the area’s economy.

The topic is still a hot one, will likely be a major issue in 2011, as well.

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  1. What a difference a state line makes!

    But a quick correction is in order — no such Marcellus drillling boom has yet occurred in New York State. (Only the sound of pitched argument, and much regulatory axle-dragging.) We are now 2.5 years and counting without allowing a single full-blown shale gas well to be drilled or fractured. It’s starting to look like a ban disguised as further study.

    But go Buckeyes!

  2. Please watch the movie “Gasland” – it is available on Netflix.

    Drilling in the MArcellus Shale is a potential disaster for ground water.

    Would you trade your home for a few dollars? You cannot live there if the drinking water becomes polluted.

    Just watch Gasland asap.

    • Gas Land was debunked not all the facts in that movie are true.Some of the wells that were contaminated were from natural methane migrations,some of the peoples wells that were so called contaminated,their wells were never tested before drilling started some say that that gas has been in that water since 1949 from hand dug water wells,so some people have to get their facts straight


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