Northwest Ohio ag breakfast will feature honey industry


TOLEDO — Sweet, sticky, and one of nature’s original snacks that Winnie the Pooh simply can’t resist – honey has been around for a very long time.

Even the origin of honey collection dates back several thousand years ago. In recognition of National Honey Month, Scott Cockerell, director of business development, Wannemacher Total Logistics, will talk about various issues within the honey industry, including production, supply, bee shortage and competition within the industry at the monthly Northwest Ohio Ag-Business Breakfast Forum, Thursday, Sept. 19 from 8 – 9:30 a.m.

The program begins at 8:30 a.m. with informal networking prior, hosted by the Center for Innovative Food Technology at the Agricultural Incubator Foundation, north of Bowling Green, Ohio.

According to the National Honey Board, there are more than 300 unique types available in the United States, and the demand remains strong. Between domestic consumption, as well as heavy users in the bakery, health food, candle and cosmetic industries, the U.S. consistently remains in the top five honey producing countries in the world.

Based in Ohio, Wannemacher Total Logistics is a contract packager for Golden Heritage Foods, producers of Busy Bee Honey and several other private label honeys, and Midwest Spray Drying, a contract processor of food-grade powdered products.

The Northwest Ohio Ag-Business Breakfast Forum is an educational networking opportunity to provide information on current issues, trends and programs available to the agricultural community and those who support its advancement.

The cost is just $10 per person (cash or check at the door) which includes breakfast and networking opportunities. The Agricultural Incubator Foundation is located at 13737 Middleton Pike (St. Rt. 582) in Bowling Green.