Ohio Senate approves Mumper’s livestock bill


COLUMBUS — The Ohio Senate approved legislation May 24 to transfer regulation of large livestock operations from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Substitute S.B. 141, sponsored by Sen. Larry Mumper, R-Marion, passed the Senate on a 27-6 vote.

The bill gives ODA the authority to issue permits for new construction or remodeling at concentrated animal feeding operations. It would also transfer authority to issue national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permits for agricultural operations.”I firmly believe that the state has continued to neglect its ongoing responsibility to prevent environmental incidents from occurring,” Mumper said on the floor prior to the vote. “The current system continues to fail us.”

The Senate bill requires water table monitoring, insect and rodent control plans, meetings with local governments to discuss road issues, and requires a facility with more than 10,000 animal units to have a certified manure manager.

Hearings have begun on a companion bill, H.B. 652, sponsored by state Rep. Jim Buchy, R-Greenville, although little action is expected until fall.

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