Pa. farm building livestock waste treatment system


MANHEIM, Pa. — Kreider Farms, one of Pennsylvania’s largest dairy farms, broke ground on a multi-million dollar livestock waste treatment system as part of a joint venture with Bion Environmental Technologies.

Located at Kreider’s Farm in Manheim, Pa., the Cleantech facility is the first of its kind in the state and is designed to treat and recycle manure from the farms’ 2,000 dairy cows.

Bion’s patented technology provides a solution to the pollution associated with livestock operations, eliminating most of the environmental impacts of animal waste, including excess nutrients, ammonia, phosphorus, and greenhouse gases.

The facility is expected to be in operation by March 2011.

Cleantech is approved by the Pennsylvania DEP to generate approximately 140 nutrient credits per milk cow’s waste treated. These credits will be sold by Bion via PA DEP’s Nutrient Crediting Trading website.

The nutrient trading approach is a voluntary program in which credits can be generated from a non-point source discharger, such as Kreider Farms, and sold to a point source discharger, such as municipal waste treatment plants.

The trading approach aids reducing nutrient loading into Pennsylvania’s waterways and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay.