Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association speaks out


WEXFORD, Pa. — Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association spoke out today after Governor Tom Corbett signed the Marcellus Shale impact fee into law.

To get the details of the legislation, click here.
President and Executive Director Louis D. D’Amico today issued the following statement regarding the enactment of the legislation:


PIOGA and its members have been actively engaged with legislators and policy makers in the development of this new law for the past two years, working to create a vehicle to address county and local governments for uncompensated impacts and provide more predictable and consistent regulations for future natural gas drilling and operations.  We recognize this has been a challenging process for Pennsylvania’s government officials at all levels, and appreciate their efforts to develop a compromise that is reflected in this new law.


“In the face of low natural gas commodity prices, PIOGA member companies will evaluate the economic ramifications of the legislation as another component of their long-term investment strategies. Obviously, as in all competitive situations, exploration and production investments will be made in areas offering the greatest return.


“While this and other details contained in the law give our organization a level of concern, the need to resolve broader issues associated with increased drilling is equally important to the long-term potential growth of this industry, the economic boost it will provide across the state in the future and the energy security it will provide to our nation.


“PIOGA looks forward to continuing its efforts to truly make Pennsylvania the keystone to America’s energy future.”

For more on the Marcellus shale impact fee and what the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts had to say about the legislation, click here.