WASHINGTON – The National Pork Producers Council has developed an interactive Premises Registration Map, a tool which enables producers to directly access their state’s animal identification and premises registration Web site.
“U.S. pork producers can utilize this map to access their state’s official system to register their livestock premises,” said Harry Snelson, the council’s director of science and technology.
Voluntary. Snelson said this map was designed to aide producers as they begin the voluntary process of registering their premises as part of the National Animal Identification System being developed by the USDA.
“Premises registration is still voluntary, but NPPC encourages all producers to take action now as this is the first step toward implementing the tracking system necessary for insuring the health and safety of U.S. livestock,” he said.
Availability. According to USDA’s National Animal Identification System, premises registration is available in 45 states and five tribes.
To date, nearly 57,000 premises have been registered through state premises registration systems, a responsibility of each state’s animal health authority.
NPPC supports the establishment of a national premises registration system for all relevant animal species by 2007, said Malcolm DeKryger, a pork producer from DeMotte, Ind.
DeKryger chairs NPPC’s Animal Health and Food Security Policy Committee and said that national premises registration is an essential step in establishing an effective National Animal Identification System.
The pork council is urging USDA to have the system fully operational and mandatory for all relevant animal species by 2008.
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* Interactive Premises Registration Map