PROGRESS: Soybean uses go beyond livestock feed


COLUMBUS – Soybeans in plastics. Soybeans in solvents. Soybeans in inks and coatings.

Soybeans aren’t just for oil and protein and livestock feed anymore.

Checkoff-funded research. The Ohio Soybean Council and the soybean checkoff have a tradition of investing in the research, development and marketing of soy-based products.

Just in this past year, 18 new soy-based products have been developed with soybean checkoff funding for use in plastics, solvents, inks and coatings, and specialty products.

R&D awards. In keeping up with the research, development and marketing of soy-based products, the soybean council in collaboration with Battelle located in Columbus, has won two R&D 100 awards, an honor recognizing the world’s most promising 100 scientific achievements.

In 2002, the council was recognized for the development of environmentally friendly soybean oil-derived plasticizers for polyvinyl chloride resins and in 2003 it was readily de-inkable soy resin-based toner that earned the award.

Good for growers. “As the global market becomes more competitive, it’s crucial that we continue to research innovative new uses for U.S. soybeans that go beyond even biodiesel,” said Steve Miller, council chairman and a soybean grower from Crawford County, Ohio.

“It is the check-off funded research and high-quality soy-based products that fuel the demand for U.S. soybeans each year.”

Emerging products. Many other new products are emerging from soy plastics and soy polyols research.

HON Industries introduced its latest development of a SoyOyl-based polyurethane foam, used for furniture and seating applications.

Urethane Soy Systems Company/Bayer introduced a polyurethane resin used in agricultural equipment body panels. BioBased Systems created Biobase 501, and BioPolymers launched Healthyseal 500, both of which are soy-oil-based polyurethane spray foams used to insulate homes.

On the drawing board. Several companies have stepped to the forefront of engineered soy-based products.

The Stepan Company formulated a methyl soyate/ethyl lactate co-solvent blend, and Steposol SB-W, which is pure methyl soyate. The Steposol line is used in lubricants, solvents, degreasers and other applications.

Desilube unveiled Desigreen 100, a water-dilutable soy-oil ingredient that is a lubricant and contains no mineral oil, providing safe working conditions.

Still more. Niemann & Associates produced Green Grip, a soy-based coating used on roofs. It deflects ultraviolet rays, resulting in the reduction of energy needed to cool buildings.

Green Grip is low in volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions.

Florida Chemical rolled out Citrus Burst, Citrusoy High Flash and Citrusoy Super High Flash, which are all used in formulating hand cleaners, adhesive removers and parts cleaners. Diversified Chemical Technologies developed Natrusol 1000, a co-solvent blend also used in parts cleaning.

Other notable innovations include Aqueous Cleaning Technologies’ Aggre-Solv, a soy-based asphalt de-bonding product; Franmar’s Bean-e-Doo Dust Mop Treatment, a soy-based mop-cleaning solvent; React Inc.’s Enviropure 300, a soy emollient;

Gemtek Product’s SC-1000, a soy-based liquid cleaner; Soy Technologies’ Soygreen Polystrip, a methyl soyate paint stripper; and Vertec Gold-inspired new ink cleaners that are marketed under a private label by a variety of manufacturers.

Farmer-directed. Headquartered in Columbus, the Ohio Soybean Council is governed by a 17-member volunteer farmer board that directs the Soybean Promotion and Research Program.

For more information on these and other products or for company contact information, visit the Soy Products Guide at

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