Roundup of 4-H news for May 9, 2024


MASSILLON, Ohio — The Green Valley 4-H club held their third meeting of the year at 7 p.m. on April 8 at the Beach City American Legion.During the meeting the club presented officer and committee reports; discussed its summer outing, community service project and who will be invited to speak to the club. They also voted to pay taxes on their books and when to plant flowers at the Beach City Memorial.


AUBURN, Ohio — Granny’s Kids 4-H club held a meeting on March 24. During the meeting Karolen Stoltz gave a report about rabbit safety, the Cloverbuds had their first meeting and a lesson on the solar eclipse was given.

Additionally, Granny’s Kids 4-H will help with parking during the maple festival and be in the parade.

AUBURN, Ohio — Granny’s Kids 4-H club held a meeting on May 5. During the meeting, Shiloh Leshovsky presented a report about chickens and Zeke Leshovsky made a presentation about goats. For the activity of the night, the club created no-sew blankets to be donated.