Roundup of FFA news for May 11, 2017

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CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — A record 46 Zane Trace FFA  members attended the Ohio FFA Convention May 4-5.

During the convention, the chapter was honored as a gold rated chapter.

Six members were recognized as proficiency finalists. They included: Mariah Cox, first place in integrated research; Olivia Pflaumer, first place in animal research; Ann Shelby, first in food science; Cody Clark, second in plant research; Cole Fyffe, third in ag mechanics; and Alanee Fannin, fourth place in home and community development.

Seven students participated as agriscience fair finalists and four were named first place winners.

They included the team of Julia Everidge and Olivia Pflaumer in social science and the team of Gabby Wycinski and Katie Shelby in food science. Pflaumer was also honored as a star finalist in agriculture science and received a $300 award for her efforts.

Pete Dunkle, a longtime supporter of the Zane Trace FFA, received the Honorary State Degree and eight members received their state degree; Mike Bell, Olivia Congrove, Cassidy Corcoran, Kylie Lathey, Brittany Lott, TJ Pack, McKenzie Ray and Alexis Waltz.

In addition, Alanee Fannin, Ann Shelby and Sky Graves received gold officer pins and the chapter was recognized for donations made to Children’s Hospital and CROP/Church World Services through charity fundraisers throughout the year which include the sausage breakfast.

Kurumi Yamada and Micah Kelley represented the chapter in the Ohio FFA Band and 20 members participated in a service activity to pack meals for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank during their time at the convention.

The chapter also competed in the Food For Thought contest sponsored by Ohio Corn and Wheat growers. The chapter placed third overall out of 10 teams in the state contest.

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