Sign up now for Toys for Tots distribution in eastern Ohio

Pin Oak Energy distributed toys to families in Columbiana County in 2023. (Rachel Wagoner photo)

COLUMBUS — Ohio’s oil and gas industry is partnering with Toys for Tots in eight counties in eastern Ohio to distribute toys that have been donated to those in need in early December.

Families in need may sign up for a distribution site now through Dec. 1 online at For any other questions, contact Deb Oberlin at or 330-418-2330. Visit the Ohio Toys for Tots Facebook page if you have submitted a toy request but have not been contacted to confirm your pick-up day, time and location.

Following is a list of distribution dates and sites for the 2024 program:

• Dec. 3, Harrison County, Scio Fire Department, 318 West Main St., Cadiz

• Dec. 4, Monroe County, Generations Complex, 47115 Black Walnut Parkway, Woodsfield

• Dec. 5, Belmont County, First Presbyterian Church, 110 South Marietta St., St. Clairsville

• Dec. 6, Guernsey and Noble counties, Nurture Preschool & Childcare, 218 South Fifth St., Byesville

• Dec. 9, Carroll County, EOG Offices, 3255 Alliance Road NW, Malvern

• Dec. 10, Jefferson County, Jefferson County Board of Developmental Disabilities, 256 John Scott Highway #3001, Steubenville

• Dec. 11, Columbiana County, St. Jude, 180 7th St., Columbiana

Many local churches, small businesses, schools and individuals have contributed new, unwrapped toys as well as monetary donations in record numbers this year and the oil and gas industry is helping to help distribute donations.

Participating companies include EQT, Blackrock Resources, Williams, Expand Energy, Gulfport Energy, Infinity Natural Resources, EOG Resources, Ascent Resources and Pin Oak Energy. The Ohio Oil & Gas Association is a trade association with more than 2,000 members involved in the exploration, production and development of crude oil and natural gas resources. For more information, visit