Simboli horse program not legit



Just a few observations about the article “Horse rescuer faces questions about selling animals to meat buyers” (May 30, 2002).

Simboli’s “rescue” is advertised in the newspapers as “a second chance program.” Those words are just a general description. The name of it is not “Second Chance,” though I wouldn’t doubt he purposely worded it that way in hopes that people would get confused and think that is its name.

In the article Jerry Brandt says he has been to Simboli’s farm many times to trim his horses’ hooves, but he doesn’t mention having firsthand knowledge about where the horses go once they leave the property.

Judy Wong donated a horse and pony to the program and says she’s seen the pony recently and it’s doing fine. Where is the horse?

I’ve seen Simboli’s ads in many newspapers and they’ve been running for well over a year. Sorry, but any legitimate horse “program” that advertises that it “needs” horses like this is as unheard of as an animal shelter advertising that it “needs” dogs and cats!

John Rudavanski

Pittsburgh, Pa.