Single father recognized for adopting nine sons


WARREN, Ohio – Northeast Ohio Adoption Services honored the Charles Goldner family of Parma, Ohio, with the 2002 Family of the Year.

Since 1983 Goldner, a single dad and tool and die maker at Anchor Fastener, has adopted nine sons and has also been a dedicated foster parent to fourteen.

Goldner first legalized his son Danny’s (now age 33) adoption in 1982; then Patrick, 34, in 1987; and Doug, 29, in 1989. Chris, 24, was adopted in 1992; followed by Rick, 25, in 1994; brothers Bob, 20, and Kevin, 19, in 1997; Simon, 21, in 1998; and Rob, 21, in 1999.

“The house is always full of life,” Goldner said. “I’m content. It’s fun to watch them evolve.”

Goldner’s son Patrick works with several siblings in a roofing business.

“My dad has so many good qualities – too many to list,” Patrick said. “But if I had to narrow it down to a word, I would say, compassion. He is a man of compassion.

“And he is a pacifist. He could go through the fires of hell and he would stay even; he just doesn’t get mad. And he supports you even if you have problems in school, or get in trouble, or try to test him or run away.

“He shows you he really cares. He takes you back. He doesn’t give up no matter what. He pulled me through. Now my brothers and I help him. Now that we’re older, we can be a support to Dad – and stand side-by-side for the younger ones. He taught us how.”