Timber workshops coming this winter


COLUMBUS – Sustainable, profitable timber production headlines three winter workshops by the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and the Ohio Forestry Association.

The event will feature speakers from Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio Division of Forestry, the Society of Consulting Foresters as well as OFBF and OFA.

Topics. The speakers will emphasize land management plans, best management practices (BMPs), marketing contracts and opportunities, economic benefits and concerns, and environmental protection and conservation.

The dates and locations are Feb. 7 at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington; Feb. 28 at the Dutch Valley Restaurant in Sugarcreek; and March 13 at the Holiday Inn in Lima.

Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. with registration starting at 9 a.m.

Registration. Advance registration is $25 per person for OFBF and OFA members and $40 per person for nonmembers.

The cost rises $10 per person, to $35 and $50, respectively, for reservations postmarked after each workshop’s registration deadline – Jan. 28, Wilmington; Feb. 18, Sugarcreek; and March 3, Lima – or made at the door.

Call for details. Lunch, snacks and educational literature are included in the cost. Registration forms and further details are available by calling 614-246-8285 or 614-497-9580.

Scheduled topics also include zoning, timber sale taxes, Ohio Forest Tax Law and current agricultural use valuation. A panel discussion featuring the speakers will cap each workshop.