LETTER: To the voters of United School District



Well, it’s almost time to vote on the new school project. We have been given the opportunity to learn the facts on the bond issue. I hope you took advantage of them.

Are you ready to put this district into more debt for the next three and a half decades? This means you and your children, possibly your grandchildren, will be paying for this new school. It just doesn’t seem right to me.

Are you convinced that our present school building has no value anymore? We will destroy the old parts. That means we will not recover any value. None. Even when you trade in a car or a home, you expect to recover some value from the old.

Have you considered the extra millions of dollars that will be taken out of this district’s taxpayers for the next 37 years, over what we pay today? What about the future needs of the fire departments, law enforcement and townships for their road maintenance and repairs?

There are only so many tax dollars to go around. Will there be enough money for them, or will it all be spent in payments on a new school building? Think this decision through. Think about the future as you go to vote.

A new school would be nice right now, but is it what needs to be done today? We have been told this is a good deal. A good deal does not have to be sold to the voters. A good deal will sell itself.

Would I buy a new car if someone offered to pay 79 percent of the cost? Not if my old car still ran and I had to make payments on the new one for the next 37 years.

Is it still a good deal? We will soon know. The levy supporters will be voting. Will you?

Gerald Walker

Hanoverton, Ohio

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