U.S. EPA bans sale, use of DuPont’s Imprelis herbicide


SALEM, Ohio — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has ordered DuPont to halt the sale, use or distribution of Imprelis, an herbicide marketed to control weeds, vines and certain grasses. The order follows the EPA’s investigation into why a large number of evergreens and other trees have been harmed following the use of the herbicide.

The product is a lawn care broadleaf herbicide. Approved for use in August 2010, it has been distributed and sold in 1- and 2.5-gallon, and 4.5 fluid ounce size containers. It was not registered for use in California and New York.

Cases of damage to trees began to be reported in late June and July.

Injury systems were largely evergreens including Norway spruce, Colorado blue spruce, arborvitae and Eastern white pine. Symptoms of injury have also been noted on honeylocust and several other types of trees and ornamental plants.

Imprelis was approved last year for lawn care companies and other professionals. It was intended to control a variety of broadleaf weeds including ground ivy and wild violet in lawns, golf courses, parks, cemeteries, athletic fields and sod farms.

A publication for homeowners that answers commonly asked questions about Imprelis can be found at www.ppdl.purdue.edu/PPDL/pubs/briefs/ImprelisFAQ.pdf.

For more information contact Tom Charlton, U.S. EPA, 202-564-6960, charlton.tom@epa.gov.