USDA compares March milk production totals


REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio — Dairy herds in Ohio produced 481 million pounds of milk during March, up 1.1 percent from a year ago, according to Cheryl Turner, state statistician of the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Ohio Field Office.

The daily rate per cow was 59.2 pounds, up 1.5 pounds from March 2016. The dairy herd was estimated at 262,000 head for March, down 4,000 head from a year earlier.


Milk production in Pennsylvania during March 2017 totaled 966 million pounds, up 3.0 percent from March 2016.

The average milk price received by Pennsylvania farmers in February 2017, at $19.60 per hundredweight, is down $0.40 from January 2017 and up $2.50 from February a year ago.

Milk production in Pennsylvania in the first quarter of 2017 (January-March) was 2,751 million pounds, up 1.5 percent from the same period in 2016 (2,711 million pounds). Cow numbers totaled 525,000, down from 530,000 a year earlier.

New York

Milk production in New York during March 2017 totaled 1.28 billion pounds, up 3.6 percent from March 2016.

The average milk price received by New York farmers in February 2017 at $19.10 per hundredweight, is down 60 cents from January 2017 but up $2.40 from a year ago.

U.S. picture

Milk production in the 23 major states during March totaled 17.5 billion pounds, down 1.8 percent from March 2016.

The daily production per cow in the 23 major states averaged 64.9 pounds for March, 0.6 pounds above March 2016.

The number of milk cows in the 23 major states was 8.71 million head, 72,000 head more than March 2016.