Voters approve Ohio’s corn checkoff referendum

Biotech corn harvested in Camarines Sur province, Philippines. (ISAAA photo)

DELAWARE, Ohio — The Ohio Corn Marketing Program received notification from the Ohio Department of Agriculture April 7, certifying that the Ohio Corn Marketing Program Referendum, seeking to increase the state’s corn checkoff from half a cent ($.005) to three-quarters of a cent ($.0075) per bushel, passed with a majority of favorable votes by Ohio’s corn growers.

“We are humbled by the confidence in our organization by Ohio’s corn farmers,” said John Linder, OCMP Chairman. “I want to express how seriously we take this responsibility and ensure that this investment will be committed to projects that will seek to directly benefit the Ohio corn farmer.”

According to the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s announcement, a total of 964 votes were certified; 819 votes, or 85 percent of the total, were cast in favor of the referendum and 145 votes, about 15 percent, were opposed to the increase. Producers were able to vote by absentee ballot, and also in person at the Ohio Department of Agriculture and at OSU Extension offices.

“We appreciate that the corn farmers of Ohio have had the foresight to invest in the future of our corn industry,” said Linder. “These actions will provide Ohio farmers an opportunity to deal with the large challenges ahead and continue to work to drive demand for Ohio corn.”

Program basics

The Ohio Corn Marketing Program was approved by an affirmative vote of Ohio’s corn producers. The voluntary, self-help program allows for the collection of an assessment by all first purchasers of the grain.

Funds from the program can only be invested for research, market development, education and promotion purposes.

To learn more about how Ohio corn checkoff dollars are invested, visit the Ohio Corn Marketing Program’s website at

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