Webcast to focus on biofilters


ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center will host a webcast Dec. 7, focusing on biofilters.

Biofilters have been getting attention as an on-farm method of reducing odor nuisances. Biofilters have been widely adopted to filter gas, odor and particulate matter from livestock facilities. However, the science behind “how they work” and the configurations that are in practice are continually evolving.

This webinar will discuss past and present applications of biofilters, on-going research to better design and manage biofilters, and how to incorporate biofilters as part of an environment control system.

The webcast will cover several aspects of this topic including: 1) What is a biofilter?; 2) What is the state of the science on biofilters?; and 3) Case studies and lessons learned on the use of biofilters.

 For additional information or to register, visit www.extension.org/sites/default/files/12decflyer.pdf.