Workshop to teach barn preservation


JASPER, Ind. — Ohio and Indiana barn enthusiasts striving to preserve history through the restoration of old barns and other vintage structures have the opportunity to attend a BARN AGAIN! workshop in southern Indiana, March 5-6.

The preservation workshop will take place at the Dubois County Museum, 2704 Newton St., Jasper, Ind., from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. each day.


The cost of the workshop is $60 per person for both days, $45 for March 5 only and $20 for March 6 only.

The two-day registration fee includes lunch, an information packet, barn tour, membership in Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana and special pricing for entrance to the National Maple Syrup Festival, which is being held in conjunction with the workshop.

The BARN AGAIN! workshop offers practical solutions for maintaining, rehabilitating and adapting old barns for today’s needs, said Sekula. The workshop covers the history and structural technology of barns and describes successful and creative reuses. The workshop is based on the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s BARN AGAIN! program.

During the two-day workshop, entrepreneurs will share their experiences in creating businesses in which their rehabilitated barns were central.

Experts will also discuss financial incentives for barn rehabilitation, as well as sources for labor and materials.

In addition, a tour of historic barns through various Indiana counties will be included.

Registration deadline is Feb. 28.


To register or for more information, contact the Southern Regional Office of Historic Landmarks Foundation at 812-284-4534 or e-mail or visit


In conjunction with the BARN AGAIN! workshop is a Barns to Homes Tour in Dubois County March 5.

The tour offers a look at barns or barn remnants that were converted into home features.

The registration is $20 per person which includes transportation, a light reception and membership in Preserve Dubois County.

Registration deadline for the Barnes to Homes Tour is Feb. 26. To register or for more information, contact the Southern Regional Office of Historic Landmarks. Ohio’s BARN AGAIN! effort, Friends of Ohio Barns, can be found at

The effort is supported by Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Historical Society Preservation Office.