Shifting Gears … Brenner



This tractor was bought in 1939 at the Kensington Supply Co. by Dale Brenner’s father, Lewis Brenner. It was used as all power on the 120-acre farm until 1948 when Lewis Brenner bought a John Deere Model B with a full line of new equipment.
After Lewis passed away in 1951, Dale’s brother took over the farm. A few years later he lost interest in farming and sold this tractor around 1960. Dale kept track of where the tractor was, always wanting to buy it back, but the owner would not sell. About 10 years ago, the owner passed away and Dale tried to purchase it from his widow, but it was still not for sale.
When she passed away about five years ago, Dale kept watching for the estate auction, but the tractor was not listed. He went to the sale and talked to one of the heirs and found out that the tractor had been sold a few weeks prior. Dale finally found the new owner and was able to purchase it. The tractor has since been completely restored by Dale (pictured) and his son, Edwin, and is now in mint condition.