Friday, September 20, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "corn"

Tag: corn

Over the next month, corn will be tasseling and disease scouting and management will be important to maintaining silage quality.

Marlin Clark forecasts trends in the corn market based on what analysts are predicting for planting season through harvest.

As planting looms, farmers need to decide whether they are planting corn, soybeans or something else, and current grain prices aren't helping.

This year’s Ohio corn yield contest winner was Corey Farrens, of Madison County, with a yield of 340.46 bushels per acre. 

Marlin Clark explains why good news in the corn market may be more of a "dead cat bounce," meaning the slight rise isn't necessarily a trend.

Marlin Clark explores the reasons for a market that continues to hit new lows.

Marlin Clark digs into global production and trade patterns that have been exacerbating low commodity prices, especially, related to corn and soybeans.

Robert Yost, 52, of New Galilee, Pennsylvania, and his employee, Jake Reese, 27, of Enon Valley, Pennsylvania, were accused of using corn laced with a banned pesticide to kill geese and other birds on leased farmland. 

The Pennsylvania Corner Growers and Penn State Extension announced the winners of its 2023 Five-Acre Corn Contest. 

Corn, soybean and wheat prices are reacting to harvest progress across the country. Marlin Clark offers insight into the grain markets.