Monday, September 9, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "coyotes"

Tag: coyotes

Good hunters know their game: its habits, its habitat and its typical behaviors. All that plus its likes and dislikes, its favorite seasonal foods and its expected reaction to unwelcome scent, sight and sound.

Coyote are active in fall, when grown pups break away from the family unit to hunt and stake out their own territory.

Your new neighbors might not be the ones you can see, but they can often be heard after dark, singing a scary tune, a...

AKRON -- Ohio wildlife biologists are frequently contacted by concerned residents who spot coyotes. Yes, frequently, but this is not cause for alarm. Coyotes are highly...

The results are surprising, but a recent study concludes that urban coyotes are monogamous.

Wondering which hunting activities top the most popular list? That’s easy. Whitetail deer, wild turkey, and coyote. Coyote hunting Well, ranking coyote hunting even close to...

As we watch our world changing, environmental landscapes shaved away, plowed under and concrete poured over, all for the sake of development and sprawl, we displace so much that deserves preservation.