Monday, October 7, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "crops"

Tag: crops

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Pennsylvania farmers are reminded to report crop damage to their crop insurance agent and local Farm Service Agency office within 72...

In Ohio, black cutworms also could be a bigger problem this year, as could slugs, bean leaf beetles and cereal leaf beetles.

COLUMBUS -- While not entirely explaining increased yields for corn and soybeans over the past 15 years, one Ohio State University agricultural economist said statistical evidence on linear yield trends shows biotechnology could play a role.

(Editor's note: This article was updated Feb. 6 to note a corrected phone number.) UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- Penn State Extension's Crops Management Team is...

WASHINGTON, -- Enrollment for the 2012 Direct and Counter-cyclical Program (DCP) and the Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE) began Jan. 23. The last day for producers to sign up for either program will be June 1.

No revelation! Cropland values in Ohio have increased in 2011. An OSU Extension survey conducted in December 2010 estimated the increase in value of Ohio cropland in 2011 would be 5.3-6.0 percent. This was prior to sharp run ups in commodity prices.

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Global food demand could double by 2050, according to a new projection by David Tilman, regents professor of ecology in the University of Minnesota's College of Biological Sciences, and colleagues, including Jason Hill, assistant professor in the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences.

SAO PAULO, Brazil -- Brazil's area sown with transgenic varieties in the 2011/12 harvest will be 20.9 percent greater than in the last harvest, according to the second crop biotechnology adoption monitoring report for the 2011/12 season, released recently by Celeres.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the world has never produced more food, fed more people and, simultaneously, never had so many hungry people.

WOOSTER, Ohio -- Ohio State University Extension experts are working to determine how the soybean aphid might affect the 2012 crop.